Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Immediate update to my last post:

Unfreakingbelievable. I just walked by the vending machine at work, and today, for the first time ever, they've stocked the machine with little packs of goldfish crackers.


lizdye said...

wow, that is very ironic. Its like raaiin on your wedding day. a free ride when youve already paid, its some good advice that you just didnt take. And who would have thought? it figuuuuures!

Carly said...

Haha... what a cruel twist of fate. Good luck with your resolution! Maybe I'll try that myself.

Anonymous said...

I love that word, unfreakingbelieveable. Good luck Stef. But one question. Can you replace the fishies with another addicting snack during lent?

Telle said...

It's Satan. He knows what you want, and he's out to get you. I wish you strength.

Lohra said...

Lent is overrated anyway. So are the fish but uh, love the one you're with, you know?

Shannon said...

I don't think I was aware of your goldfish fetish. Kinda weird. But even weird-er that they showed up in your vending machine. Someone must have been playing a genius and incredibly funny joke on you. Genius

Anonymous said...

I knew about the goldfish and thought it was weird. Now why can't you become addicted to edomome (sp) or carrot sticks or grape tomatoes? Those would be re-ealy hard to give up for lent. I admired last year's give-up-for lent. you should do that one again, especially since the valentine's party is over.
Wise Mom