Friday, February 20, 2009

I was just told by my Guatemalan friend at work that I don't have a boyfriend/husband because I need a lion-tamer. Not sure that was a compliment...but it sure got a hearty laugh out of me. And then I punched him in the face.


Lohra said...

What you should have done was make him stick his head in your mouth...and then bite down with your wicked sharp teeth.

Jami said...

That is hilarious! OK, so what is your email? I had a ton of fun hanging out, we definitely need to do it more.

Anonymous said...

YES! I found you and now I will stalk you! Not just because I'm sort of related, but because you are almost funnier than your father. I'll be back, and I can assure you I will have plenty of comments which you will not be able to return because I don't have time for a blog, only time to spend countless housrs meaningfully stalking others' blogs.