Monday, November 16, 2009

In 11 days...

...I'll be living here:

I may be living in my car, but near my car will be a beach!

This is my formal announcement that I'M LEAVING UTAH. By way of fielding questions before they come, here's the deal:

I'm taking a job with Northrop Grumman, starting Nov. 30. I'll be a "graphic artist."
I hope to live in Huntington Beach, CA.
I don't know how I'm getting there.
I don't have a place to live yet.
Yes, I am sad to leave. Yes, I am terribly excited. Yes, it's 70º there right now.
Come and visit. There's room in my car.

Hooray for change!


lizdye said...

I will go with you and help you move in. I CANNOT wait to come and visit and play, play, play in the sun with my star...stefstar that is.

Niki McDowell said...

Hey, you'll have to let me know when you arrive and we'll have to hang out. Hunington Beach is only an hour away. Very exciting for you!

Niki (Voorhees) McDowell

Elisha said...

I can't make an official comment about this yet, because I'm still grieving.


I don't want you to move, but I am excited for you and you know I'll come visit!

Kaydi Paxman said...

Good for you Stef!! That's exciting. And I'm glad you're headed to SoCal since I visit there a couple times a year.

Lohra said...

Yeah, Kaydi, me too. AT LEAST a couple times a year. I mean, I will now. Sun and beach and so much sand has never been a good enough reason. But now that there will be perma-trip hair and a surfing teacher and rockets, I am so there!

Ryan, Natalie and kids said...

I think we should do one last lunch...I will call and see if there is any time in all this moving confusion. ryan was glad to see that the Eagle had landed safely back in it's nest

Poelmans said...

So, I saw your link from Natty's blog. Let us know if you need help finding a place. I have a good friend down there that's single and lives in Newport area. Also, I think Julie Stringer is in the Huntington beach ward. Good luck!!!

Poelmans said...

ps I live in South Pasadena.

Angie said...

Mindy lives in Rodondo Beach!!! She will let you stay there I bet, at least for a little while.

taceuse said...

hola disculpa, por la intromicion,
pero es que tienes unas imagenes fabulosas,y aparte de felizitarte por ellas,me gustaria saber si me permites bajarmelas por favor.

Brandon Garska said...
