Monday, December 7, 2009

This post will self destruct in 5 seconds

Shhh...I'm really going to have to sensor myself here, because I work for a very important, top secret company and things I say may destroy you...and our country. But I feel like posting about my typical day here in "sunny" CA, and most of that day is used up by my employer.

5:00 am -- Wake up. What? This is even earlier than my clinically early parents.
5:45 -- Meet up with vanpool. This is a glorified bus and I have a free pass this week! Read scriptures with a head lamp while I eat dry cereal from a bag. Yum.
6:30 -- Arrive at war headquarters and settle in to my 1970s desk and chair. Begin work immediately for fear of being reported by a coworker for checking my email or yawning or something.
9:00 -- Blink. Realize I'm already hungry for lunch.
11:30 -- Decide lunch must happen. Wander downstairs amidst factory workers building jets (yes, literally building jets just yards away from me) and find a cafeteria. Eat. Lament the fact that California still has a winter and I haven't run far enough to escape feelings of coldness.
12:12 -- Back to work! Exactly 42 minutes for lunch or die.
2:00 -- Get slightly mocked by a coworker who points out that once again, I've used the wrong jet image in my layout. Weird that I've been there a week and I don't know that the current model has pointed wing tips instead of straight ones. Hold back sarcastic comments like "In Utah we don't have jets, apologies."
2:15 -- Get caught singing "SAFETY DANCE" by another coworker. He's cool with it.
3:55 -- Freak out at my computer as I'm frantically trying to finish something in time to meet my vanpool.
4:05 -- Approach a disappointment-filled van and apologize for making them late on my first day. Feel like Dagwood in that stupid Blondie comic strip. Feel stupid for even remembering that character's name.
5:50 -- Arrive at home. Eat carrots. Talk on the phone. Do forbidden things on the computer like check email, blog, listen to music.
6:00 -- Wonder if I should be pursuing a social life.
6:01 -- Give up and watch something on Hulu.
9:00 -- Get ready for bed.
9:30 -- Lights out. Rinse and repeat.

It's a formidable schedule. BUT...I get Friday off, so we'll see if it's all worth it.
All that said, things are coming along nicely. I'm getting used to things I can't control, and despite my cynicism, I've been laughing a lot in the last week. When I try to swipe my badge to enter some area I've never been and the gate blocks me anyway--NO CLEARANCE!--I laugh. When I spot the most magnificent, unique mullet I've ever seen--tiny braids that curl under for the top layer, frizzy braid/dreads for the long, straight bottom layer--I laugh. When my coworker tells me a Mormon he knows is a Jack Mormon because he drinks Coke, I laugh. It's a good time.

I will post soon about my weekend. It was top notch!


Kaydi Paxman said...

I'm glad I got to read this before it self-destructed.

lizdye said...

Wow Steffy Star. It sounds like you work in a cutting edge enviroment, Is it loud when you eat dry cereal in the vanpool?Are you dying from asbestos that is likely to be in your building? I invision you working on an old comador computer that only has 16bit graphics. I know how you feel about being new and not knowing all the plane wing models. At my work I feel like I should be way further than I am and then I remember that I've only been there three weeks. Hang in there it will grow on you :) PS definitely work on the social thing for more than a minute.

D Switz


5a? Amazing what we can do when absolutely necessary. Make time to be social. Remember when you were queen of the ward? Make it happen again.

Melinda said...

Wow- I complain when I have to get up at 6am! I agree with Shelly- you'll be queen of the ward in no time!

Elisha said...

Oh Stef, I miss you here. We're having my birthday lunch tomorrow and I'm sad you're not here to celebrate it with me. I'm so glad that you're doing well and that you're happy. See you soon for Christmas!

Lohra said...

I'm glad the singing out loud is happening. Next stop: dancing shamelessly and competitive feats of strength. You'll feel at home in no time.

Lohra said...

Right after you become queen of the no time.

Candice said...

Not even SoCal is appealing at 5am. There is no way of surviving that schedule. I want to be encouraging like the rest of your friends. But 5am! Good luck girlfriend

eric + ashlee said...

Oh Stef! You will have fun wherever you go because you are the life of the party. FYI- my job will be available in six months...

Jaime Perry said...

Creeeeeepy... I found you.

Ryan, Natalie and kids said...

Hmmm...I say enjoy SoCal for 6 months and then take Bad Ash's sweet Ash job. And soon you will be throwing pirate party's and golden gala's and everyone will want to be your no time, in no time. I say relish in the quiet where nothing is expected and no one is expecting things to happen. Except for calling me back. That was important. Oh yes, and I think you should fit more time into your schedule for blinking.