Monday, September 21, 2009


If your yogurt fell into a dirty gutter and marinated in sprinkler runoff for awhile before you noticed it, would you still eat it? Even if it's one of those Activia yogurts where the packaging seems alarmingly permeable? Would you?!

Would you rather walk barefoot through a mile of poop or lick a toilet clean?

Do you believe in the 10-second rule? Really and truly, do you think that when your food falls on the ground you have a quantifiable window of time before the army of germs finds out about it and swarms?

How often do you wash your sheets?

Do you set your purse on the ground everywhere you go? And then set it on your kitchen counter when you get home?

If you and your friends were on a train in Germany and found half-eaten candy bar (this is amazing German chocolate, remember), would you, under any circumstances, eat the remaining half, starting from the unopened end?


Shannon said...

Yes. If nothing had seeped into the yougurt, I have no problem eating it up.


It depends on what fell on the ground. It has to be worth it to eat it.

Once a month

No, I don't set it on the ground if I can help it.

Hmm...the German candy bar is tough...maybe depending how much peer pressure I got. If alone, I wouldn't eat it, but if friends were, I wouldn't hesitate. What does that say about me, geesh.

Please tell me we get to hear your answers.

Unknown said...

Wooo Stef, must have been a slow day today. My answers:
No and No to either one. I hate even cleaning toilets with rubber gloves on.
1/wk--2 max
yes, oh my--haven't ever thought about that, must change my ways.
yes, if really amazing german or swiss chocolate, only until the last bite though.
Tell us what inspired this particular poll.

Unknown said...

Oops, forgot to answer the question about the 10 second rule: depends on where and what the ground is, my kitchen, yes, outside maybe, but brush if off first. But then, maybe not.

Katrina said...

Did I ever tell you about the time I caught Mia drinking gutter water? It's true but, I'm sure you don't doubt it knowing Mia. She's gonna have a killer immune system. That, or some crazy disease any day now.
1) Same exact answer as Shannon.
2) Most definitely walk in the poop barefoot. Soles are like impermeable aren't they?
3)Just depends on what the ground looks like.
4) Certainly not often enough. I'm bad!
5) yes and no
6) If the wrapper was still nicely intact (mostly), I'd probably eat it. Although it might depend upon how clean this train was and what sorts of people were found riding in it. Like, if I found it on BART, NO WAY!

Shannon said...

I'm assuming you've participated in some or all of these events. Your gross, man. Germs and I have a love/hate relationship. Under no circumstance will I go to bed without brushing my teeth. Remember Park City last week and I forgot my toothbrush? I was fighting back tears, literally. And I don't think I need to remind you about the vicious liquid soap threat when you wouldn't brush your teeth. Yet, I can't believe I'm admitting this- I once fished a toothbrush out of a toilet, cleaned it off and used it. Cameron about fell over dead when he saw me do it and he threatens to tell people often. Oh and by the way. Who is this other Shannon? I would appreciate it if you would tell her to indicate who she is since I am a blood relative, therefore having full rights to the name Shannon while commenting on your blood. p.s.s how do we get dad on board to comment on blogs. that would be awesome

Shannon said...

I usually try not to comment when I make a mistake, but I just did the your/you're pet peeve!!! Good thing I wasn't a boy trying to woo you!

Cara said...

I was walking through the hospital at work the other day and there was an open, but unfinished, bag of Cheetos on a patient's tray in the Women's Center (not sick, just delivered a baby). I love Cheetos and I had the thought, "I wonder what someone would have to pay me to eat those Cheetos." I wouldn't know who had stuck their fingers in them. I was seriously going through the dollar amounts it would take in my head, then disgusted with myself at how low they were. I'm thinking I'd eat some for $100. I'm OCD about some germy things, but yet, have never thought about all the places the bottom of my purse has touched. Oh, and I'd rather walk through the poop I guess. What nice thoughts must run through your head during boring days at work :)

Jen said...

*I'd probably eat it. But only after I took it home and doused the outside of the container in Lysol.
*Barefoot, definitely. And no to Katrina. Soles of your feet are permeable. Remember the Vicks Vapor Rub email a couple years back?
*10 seconds only applies to my own home or relatives homes, if they're tidy housekeepers. Drs offices-heck no, Walmart-H**L no! Have I ever mentioned my town borders and Indian reservation. Can you say hepatitis?? Have you ever thought about your toddlers crawling around on the floor and then putting an object into their mouth that was on the floor or a cheerio. Not too much difference there.
*1-2 times a month. My kids even less. But I wash their pillow cases without the sheets sometimes.
*I have heard of that and have even sanitized the bottom of my purse before. I try to never put it on the floor except at church. You have no choice there.
*Hmmm about the chocolate bar. I hate waste, but I'd be afraid. Strange country = strange germs. That's a tough one. I'm gonna say no. I have to say, that once when going out with girlfriends for breakfast, a friend ordered oatmeal. She was served the most ginormous bowl of oatmeal and couldn't finish it. I asked for a to-go box. Mike and I ate it the next day for breakfast.

Looks like inquiring minds want to know...who? what? when? where? why? prompted all this and what your answers are.

I didn't know you went to Japan. How cool is that? I'm so happy for you. Live it up girlfriend! See all y'all soon! (You know we're coming conference weekend, right?)