I am happy.
Completely incomplete, convincingly content, and incredibly, wonderfully happy.
When thinking of what to update on this little bloggity-blog, no great big awesome changes come to mind. Indeed, dear readers, I swear this happened without the help of a) a boy, b) money, or c) dramatic weight loss/promotions/accomplishments, etc.
Here's what happened: I realized I have nothing to be unhappy about.
I would consider myself a typically upbeat person, even though I'm pretty cynical sometimes. But typical Stef became Happy Stef early on in 2008. One day I woke up and felt a mysterious anticipation. That feeling lasted all day, though nothing big happened. All I could think to say to everyone is that big things were about to happen. I felt so excited, for whatever reason. I had the best day in the world and nothing really happened.
I haven't been able to shake that feeling. Yeah, there have been a few things here and there that bum me out for a minute, but for over a month I've been annoyingly happy. And oddly enough, good things have happened. Big, good things are still happening, which leads me to wonder: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I think good things happen to happy, positive people. And I think we can decide to be those people. I know there will come things to be unhappy about, but we always have a choice in how we react and how we view the world.
Thus, my 2008 theme: Positive thinking.
And the best example of it that I can think of is President Hinckley. If a prophet in this day and age--in any age, really--can maintain a positive outlook, then I definitely should. My perspective doesn't even stretch very far beyond my four walls, which are in pretty good shape, so I have no reason not to be optimistic.
So, I've learned I can just decide to be happy. I'm not delusional, I'm not refusing to face reality, and I'm not being fake if I do. I'm realizing all the things there are to be happy about, and choosing to create opportunities for more by being open to them. Cheesy? Yeah. But I'm having the best time. Weird that I wanted to flee the country not too long ago, eh?
3 cheers for Positive Thinking. I'm glad you have decided not to flee the country.
I'm sure it has something to do with the giddy anticipation of a chilly, albeit wonderful visit to yours truly. ;)
Yeah, I won't complain. You're so much easier to live with these days.
Hooray for you. I've been thinking about you a lot lately and wondering what you're up to. Give me a call sometime, I'm serious. I promise I won't talk only about Marin the whole time!
Stef, you're awesome.
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