Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wally the Walrus

I am wallowing.

I would do another dating review but I just don't have it in me tonight. I'm too busy trying to figure out what it is we learn by being shot down time and time and time again. Humility, yes. Patience, probably. Bowing out gracefully, perhaps. I think I could learn all of those things by, say, losing a tennis match. Or a political debate. What is it about love--that most personal of things you take personally--that must be learned almost entirely through pain?

"Life is pain, Highness. Anybody who tells you differently is selling something." Good glory--Is that true? Am I really supposed to believe the Dread Pirate Roberts?

Alas, don't fear. I'm not the most heartbroken I've been. Suffice it to say I've experienced far, far worse but I've also been 'experiencing' for far too long so I'm tired. Literally exhausted.

Depressing post, anyone? Enjoy!

P.S. Lohra's blog only confirms this one. Read it and weep.


Lohra said...


Kaydi Paxman said...

just keep humming "someday my prince will come" from sleeping beauty and then maybe you'll feel better, or it will make you vomnit and that sometimes make you feel better. :o)

Shannon said...

As your older and not-so-wise sister I am feeling the need to protect you. I am tired for you. Wanna eat some food?

Shannon said...

All I can say is here, here. I feel you, I sympathize, I empathize, and I am truly sorry. None of this makes it feel better but just know that others are experiencing the same dating crap that you are. Misery loves company :)


Ditto to all of the above comments

Anonymous said...

Stef, we don't talk near enough...I did not know you were dating someone? I'm calling you...and yes, tired for you. In fact, I was tired for you after summer of '04. That in itself would have sent me into some sort of post love shock. Anyway, you're a strong individual. With a used to be matching mullet.