Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Extreme Life Makeover...Me edition

Ah, the winds of change...
As many have heard, I've been making some decisions lately—The biggest one being a change of employ. I have accepted a position at Thomas Arts, an advertising company owned by a good family friend in Farmington.
Yes, I'm from Farmington.
No, I will not be moving to Farmington.
Sorry to all my Davis County fans. For now I'm staying in Salt Lake because, well, perhaps I'm hoping that out here I can at least pretend that I'm not a slave to the 9-5 by hanging out with all my hip friends at hip urban places. Or something. And I actually really love paying rent for a basement room full of Hobo spiders, equipped with what I recently learned is a window so small you can't legally call it a bedroom. I-15 Northbound, here I come.
I am actually really excited. And scared. Fake it til you make it, right?
I am actually really sad too. I won't be going to school this fall, which is seriously going to put a damper on the Art Night tradition we were just starting. School is another way in which I pretend I'm not a slave to the 9-5. Maybe I'll start again some other time; Maybe not. Maybe one degree is enough...We'll see.
So here's to me trying to grow up!
For an example of the mature woman I hope I'm becoming, I always look to my mother.


Anonymous said...

Ah, man, I can just see your mom killing you for posting that picture! It's a good one, though!

Carly said...

Stef...what will you be doing?

Anonymous said...

Blog stalking anyone??? You are a sucka for a face...dis on Farmington? Next year at Farmington festival Days a herd of bullies will lynch you for this. Watch out. Also, I wish you could have come to a scottish festival with me...kilt wearing.

A STAR is born said...

Anonymous nothin. I know who y'all are!
I will be an account coordinator--the middlewoman between the clients and the creative. I'm coveting a creative position, but all in good time...